custom regulations in oman

custom regulations in oman


04-Jul-2024 comments - 0 | Views - 0

One should always be aware of the customs of a country. If the person wants to import something in the country or export something out of the country, knowing about the customs regulations of the country is very helpful. Read this article to know about the customs regulations in Oman



Importing can be described as the procedure of trying to bring goods into the Sultanate via Customs offices by land, sea, or air following the applicable laws.

The following records are needed to clear any imported goods:

  • An accredited copy of the commercial certification and an activity form (or authorization to import if no such form exists).
  • A valid copy of the Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry affiliation certificate (OCCI).
  • A genuine manufacturer's certificate.
  • A correct quotation list.
  • Checklists for packing.
  • Transport Bill of Lading (at sea and air custom offices only).
  • The shipment's manifest (paperwork which contains a detailed description of the cargo).
  • A shipping agent's authorization to deliver goods.
  • A detailed, viable written permission for customs clearance from the person in charge.
  • Filling out the import declaration and form for customs clearance and classification of the goods.
  • In the non-attendance of a legitimate purchase invoice or a legitimate manufacturer's certificate, the clearance will be paid in cash. This money may be refunded if the necessary paperwork is filed within 90 days of the payment date.
  • Obtain permission from the appropriate authority (for the restricted goods only).
  • Payment of all applicable taxes and customs fees for the combined value of the shipment, which includes cargo and insurance (CIF).


  • It is illegal to bring drugs into and out of Australia, including marijuana, cannabis, heroin, cocaine, and amphetamines.
  • Counterfeit goods and offensive pornography are also prohibited.


Exporting can be described as the procedure of transporting goods to the Sultanate via Customs offices by land, sea, or air following the applicable laws.

The mandatory documents which are required for clear goods for export are:

  • A reproduction of the export invoice.
  • Checklists for packing.
  • The employer's application letter for the export of used or personal possessions (for non-Omani citizens only).
  • Filling out the import declaration and clearing form, as well as categorising the goods as per Customs procedure.
  • Obtain permission from the appropriate authority (for restricted goods only).

The Israeli currency is prohibited to export from Oman. 


Re-exporting is described as taking goods out of the Sultanate or exporting them to a free zone following the rules and regulations outlined below.

The following goods can be re-exported:

  • Imported goods that have not been removed from customs stores (at air and sea custom offices only).
  • Goods that have been imported for export and have been given a temporary release in exchange for a bank or cash warranty, such as customs fees, within 6 months of the release date.
  • The goods were brought into the Sultanate under temporary entry and their holders wish to re-export them.
  • Suspended goods that are placed in stores.


The following paperwork is necessary for the clearance of goods in transit:

  • A duplicate of the purchase invoice.
  • Checklists for packing.
  • Transport Bill of Lading (air and sea custom offices only).
  • The shipment's manifest.
  • The shipping agent granted delivery permission.
  • A legitimate comprehensive customs clearance authorization is signed by the person in charge.
  • Filling out the transiting manifest and the form for clearing and categorising the goods as per the operating system, as well as the other paperwork required to be submitted to the officer in charge.
  • As a guarantee, pay all applicable customs fees on goods in transit.


A customs broker should be able to:

  • An Omani national who is at least 18 years old.
  • Has a clean record and no background of customs offences.
  • He must pass the D.G of Customs course to execute customs broker operations and understand customs rules and regulations.
  • The job was authorised to be performed by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry following government laws.
  • The D.G of Customs issues an annual license to work in customs clearance.
  • The merchant's authorization is valid.
  • He has the authority to appoint another legitimate customs broker if he is unable to complete the clearance with a viable merchant permit.



After reading this article, you are informed about the customs regulations in Oman. For more information regarding Oman, visit the Oman visa website


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